07 April 2008

Making Sustainability Sustainable – II:
Issues & Dilemmas

One problem with talking about sustainability is that it is an overwhelming idea. There is such great inertia against changing our lives, especially if we think it means deprivation of any kind... even inconveniencing ourselves is sometimes just more than we can contemplate. I admit it - I have those days.

Another issue is the fact that it is so very difficult to know when we are hearing/reading valid information, and when what we are hearing/reading is just sales hype.

A third major problem with sustaining the sustainability movement is it is so DAMN expensive to go green - or at least it feels like it is. Products cost so much more when they stick the Green sticker on them

And the last issue (at least the last that I can think of right now) is that there is not much solidarity in the movement. So many people are doing so many different things. I know that there rarely is the unity in a social movement that people think there is. But I cannot help thinking that a bit more unity and common direction would help considerably.

I have to think about this incrementally or I will just give up on it. And giving up on it will feel worse than eating bad food when I know I should not, or not exercising when I know I should.


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