14 August 2008

Endangered Species Act

Normally I do not regurgitate content from other websites. However this is something I think needs to be passed along:

NY Times Editorial - An Endangered Act
Published: August 13, 2008
Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne’s latest assault on the Endangered Species Act deserves to be struck down.

Information on commenting during the 30-day Public Comment period.

I would suggest that we all think about commenting after the proposed changes have been posted (sometime tomorrow - 8/15/2008).

  • Online, at Regulations.gov
  • By mail, to:

    Public Comment Processing,
    Attention: 1018-AT50
    Division of Policy and Directives Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service
    4401 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 222,
    Arlington, VA 22203

When the proposed rule changes get posted I will try to put them up here - it is confusing to find them on the gov site.


  1. Anyone who is unclear why defending the right of the public to participate in government decisions about the environment is important, or the specifics of what a good process looks like in different countries, is invited to check out a new publication from the World Resourcs Institute called “Voice and Choice: Opening the Door to Environmental Democracy.” It’s available for free download here:


  2. Jonathan's link may be truncated in your browser window. If it is go to http://www.accessinitiative.org/ and click on resources, then page two of the resources. The item he directs us to is the last one on page two - Voice and Choice: Opening the Door to Environmental Democracy.

    While you are at the Access Initiative site take some time to look through the information they provide. I have not read much of it yet, but I have found the little I have read very interesting.

    Thanks for the comment and the link Jonathan.
