28 September 2009

Ship Mosaic

Here is the mosaic as of this past weekend (didn't do any work on it tonight - still getting over the effects of a sleepless night last night and a migraine this morning).

The water is done. I'm starting the sky this week and hopefully I'll get up to Saint Paul to get more glass for the rest of the map area soon. I could order it online, but it's always so hard to tell what you'll actually get...

I took off one row of tessarae on the right side of the ocean. It did not look very good. You can compare this image with the previous post and see what I mean. There's one part of the front-most sail that I might rework too. So far I feel like I am getting the feeling of movement that I was looking for with the cuts and placement of the tessarae: the water looks like it is flowing around, back and forth as waves, except for the wake the ship is cutting; the sails look like they are stretched tight with the kind of wind that would be necessary to create the wake that I have here; and the land looks rather sedentary (ha!).

Still trying to come up with an idea for the skull & crossbones...

This time I  managed to get the colors pretty close when I optimized the image so you can see how it looks for real (although that depends on you monitor settings in the end...).

I'm still leaning towards a light blue-gray for the center section and a taupe-gray for the sides. Don't know for certain yet. I'll have to see how the sky works out.

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