23 February 2010

Dragon Mosaic

Here's a quick update...

After a few weeks of working on other projects I have returned to the dragon mosaic. I hope to finish it this week because another mosaic is burning away at my brain...

Here's what the dragon looks like now. Sorry that the image is a bit blurry. I took it on my way out the door this morning using the little camera instead of my professional camera. And everything about me is blurry in the mornings these days... I really need to get my breathing machine fixed so that I can sleep right again. It takes me until 7:30 or 8:00 to feel like I am tracking well...

I've finished all of the work on the dragon's body (except that I might do a bit of adjusting here and there...) and now I am laying in the background. I'll have to take a close up so that everyone can see the great color variation in the smalti. The background is a very dark blue with streaks and swirls and speckles of a medium blue. I am so much more happy with it than I was with the black. Doing the entire background with the black would have flattened the piece.You can see the area in the upper left corner where I had laid down the black and had to pull it up.

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