14 September 2010


A great friend is gone and today, or tomorrow they are turning off the machines that are keeping his body alive. A new experience for me and one I would greatly have preferred not to experience.

Let me tell you about Chad.

Chad was a great artist. Not your typical artist working with brushes on canvas or sculpting something beautiful... at least not in the way you normally think of painting and sculpting. Chad's artistry was done with ink and needles, his canvas was skin, his sculptures were our human bodies. Chad was a tattoo artist. A brilliant one.

Sometimes gifted people can be blinded by their own magnificence. Not Chad. He nurtured people he saw as destined to shine brighter than himself with a true enthusiasm and a pure passion to see them succeed. He collaborated where others in his position might have chosen to compete. He demanded excellence of himself, and his collaborators - and celebrated those rare moments of artistic transcendence with boundless joy.

Chad believed in people. He weighed them with a generous heart, and found few lacking. Those who were fortunate enough to be counted as a friend knew unstinting love and bountiful support.

We are all walking wounded today,
Hollow, achy, empty inside,
Wandering the land of disbelief and despair,
Our friend is gone, he has died.

His friends are grieving

See Chad's work


  1. Thank you for sharing this with us, Monta. My thoughts are with you and those who knew Chad as you say goodbye, and work your way through this experience. He is so very lucky to have such a beautiful tribute about him written by you. A special gift, indeed! All my best to you as you remember Chad.

  2. Wes just gave me this news...our hearts are with you all.

  3. I'm so sorry! Love to you and all who knew him...

  4. So sorry to hear Monta . . .beautiful thoughts, much peace and love to all~♥~

  5. Thank you for your tribute to Chad and his beautiful art work. My thoughts are with you.

  6. So sorry about your loss!! I looked at his art...I am intrigued and awed..he lives on through this. What an amazing legacy!!

  7. Thanks everyone.

    Chad was special is a way that many people would not recognize. One thing I learned from my association with him - there are hidden jewels among us that we don't even see. He was a dear, sweet man with so many wonderful qua...lities. Most people would look at his tattooed face and body and turn away. Even many of those in the art community could not see past his exterior.

    Knowing Chad made me a better person.

  8. Monta, thanks so much for writing this.

  9. Chad you are my best friend and I will always remember that! I hope the gods know they are getting the best artist to do their work, now what are we gonna do! They world will be that much emptier without you. Your family will always be taken care of brother. RIP

    Ilove you always brother Josh Fox

  10. My son wanted ink when he turned sixteen. Family discussion turned heated and in a compromise we headed to Chad for an expert opinion. With a wisdom and talent reflecting years of experience he halped us find the spot, not only the spot for the tattoo, but the emotional spot where everyone was comfortable and happy.
    A terrific piece of art and a fine experience for us all. The world is a bit dimmer for his passing.

  11. I havent seen Chad in a few actually since the funeral of Lance Ciaciura whom which introduced me to Chad back in the Pricks n Pokes days and I was fortunate to get inked by Chad and got to know him and hang out beyond the shop....I wish we could have finished my piece (which he never charged me, as cool as Chad was) Rest now my friend and give Lance a hug for me!!!!!!!! Jason Salzl

  12. Chad did my first 2 tattoos, I love that shop so much, especially when Chad was there, the first time I walked in I saw his smiling face to greet me. He is a wonderful person, I will never forget him. I go there just to hang out and talk to the people. The shop is like my second home. I do know that he wasn't religious but spiritual but I do hope he is chilling with Jesus :)

    -Sam Owens

  13. You said it so well Monta. You speak for many of us. Thank you. Thanks Chad for all the lives you've touched. My tattoo seems more luminous now.
